Striving for a future in which every cancer patient can benefit from precise therapeutic treatments, we are committed to advancing the discovery and development of novel drugs.

We create screening-ready packages of novel targets set up for reproducibility to partner with the pharmaceutical industry. Our disease-relevant targets offer a high probability of successful therapeutic development further along our partners’ R&D pipeline.

Equipped with more than 20 years of experience and a truly unique resource, we are helping to shape the future of precision cancer therapeutics.


Through our unique approach, we generate reliable and reproducible data that reflects the molecular reality of cancer at an unparalleled level.
This is key to discovering truly novel targets - find out how.

Our Global
Clinical Network

Through our global clinical network, we have direct access to high-quality biospecimens and data that are crucial to making all relevant details of a cancer disease transparent. They cover a wide variety of biological backgrounds and regional variances from all over the world.

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Standardized Collection
and Processing

Special procedures, including keeping cold ischemia times to under ten minutes, ensure pre-analytically controlled specimen with a very high sample integrity. This preserves the expression of otherwise undetectable therapeutic targets. Samples are paired with 300 different clinical data points and up to ten years of follow-up data.

Data Generation

The excellent quality of our samples enables an in-depth multi-omics approach for matched tumor and normal tissue. Using next-generation sequencing and mass spectrometry technologies, we extract proteomics, phosphoproteomics, transcriptomics, genomics, and miRNA from tissue samples.

The Key to Precision

Through our unique approach, we generate reliable and reproducible data that reflects the molecular reality of cancer at an unparalleled level. This is key to discovering and identifying truly novel targets and provides a valuable resource for successful drug development.


To maximize the value of our data for pharmaceutical development, we have established a holistic target identification process. Each step in this process is designed to increase the probability of successful therapeutic development further down the pipeline and the chances of a novel drug reaching the market.


Target Discovery –
Unravelling Trillions of Data Points

To explore the entirety of our database for hidden patterns, we have established nRavel® – a proprietary platform for multivariate data analytics that integrates advanced biomathematical and bioinformatics tools. By combining multi-omic expression signatures and prognostic data in selected cohorts, we identify novel and disease-relevant targets – in the correct tissue and for the correct cohort.

Target Validation –
Where Sample Quality Pays off Again

Once we have identified a target using nRavel®, we validate it in proprietary 2D and 3D cellular models based on immortalized cells or primary cells derived from the original patient cohort used in discovery. These models provide a very accurate recapitulation of the patient’s physiological processes while representing the characteristic features of the disease.

Target Refinement –
Preparing the Package for R&D Partnerships

Our IP-protected packages consist of screening-ready targets that are set up for reproducibility within our partners’ R&D pipelines. The protein type and biochemical characteristics, cellular location, and biological function are biochemically characterized. Proof-of-concept drug screening assays are established for cell-free and cell-based compound screening.


We collaborate with pharmaceutical partners, providing novel screening-ready target packages for the development of innovative cancer therapeutics. Beyond this, we work with biotech companies and academic institutions and participate in R&D partnerships, providing expertise, skills, and knowledge in various capacities.

Get in touch

If you would like to discuss a collaboration or learn more about our target identification process, please do not hesitate to get in touch. We look forward to hearing from you.

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